[Dxspider-support] Connect script problem

Cees Tool c.tool at quicknet.nl
Sun Aug 19 11:17:47 BST 2001

Hi Colin,

In one of your earlier messages you quoted :

> Expecting "connect" received : "Connecting to gb7wdx"

So I think your scipt waits for "connect", then thinks it is connected to
the next node. However, your first node replies with "Connecting to gb7wdx"
before it even starts to connect the other node. (and "connecting" also
contains "connect") So could it be that your script thinks it is connected
to the next node and sends the next connect command ?

Maybe you have to really test for "connected" instead of "connect" in the
script ???

(I am not using Spider connect scipts myself yet, so maybe spider is always
waiting for 'connected', and my remarks are nonsense, but I have seen the
same problems with connect scripts in other software, I tried to contribute
some information :-)

Cees - PA3AES

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