[Dxspider-support] Spider Autostart

Colin Harris charis.g3orh at virgin.net
Mon Jul 8 10:42:23 BST 2002

Hi all,

          Having suffered a recent sequence of mains power
glitches I decided it was time to auto respawn DXSpider.
Having entered the prescribed lines into /etc/inittab and
rebooted I received an error message something like :-

INIT: etc/inittab [59] sequence too long. Max characters (4)

The respawning of DXSpider however did function
automatically. I followed implicitly the commands to enter
this function plus the spaces shown in the commands but it
appears a space should be inserted somewhere to avoid the
above error message. The inittab line added as per manual
1.48  were :-

DX:3:respawn:/bin/su -c "/usr/bin/perl -w
/spider/perl/cluster.pl" >/dev/tty7

Not sure if there should be a space between : and /bin/su

Some corrective advice please ?

- Regards Colin

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