[Dxspider-support] Keps

Simon Ravnic simon at hamradio.si
Wed May 15 21:47:01 BST 2002

> Has anyone automated the process of converting and load the Keps to
> DXSpider?   Would you mind sharing the procedure?


Here is what I do:
in /etc/crontab there is the line:

1 1 * * 7 root /spider/perl/kepler

and /spider/perl/kepler looks like this:

cd /spider/perl
rm nasa.all
wget http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ftp/keps/current/nasa.all
./convkeps.pl nasa.all

As a root of the system I get an email everytime this script is run, which
reminds me (automagically) to do a load/keps as a sysop in my S50DXS node. I
don't how to
automate this last step and would be glad to learn.

Simon, S53ZO

Simon Ravnic, simon at hamradio.si

"The opinions expressed in this email are strictly those of the author
 but he is a very good fellow so you can trust what he says."

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