[Dxspider-support] Init Error <or ?>

Colin Harris chedward at tiscali.co.uk
Sat Jun 21 17:37:00 BST 2003

Just a minor point but one puzzling me. Our little network in the S/West
is like this :-

<- Internet < GB7WDX <GB7PDX < GB7ORH

ORH connects to PDX and PDX connects to WDX

Error :- PDX shows : gb7wdx 54.51 Build 57.242 (netrom)
                               : gb7orh 54.5 Build 57.052 (netrom or telnet)
            ORH shows : gb7pdx 54.51 Build 57.245 (netrom or telnet)

WDX is build 242 , PDX is 245 , ORH is 245 so why does PDX show ORH as 54.5
( the 1 missing ) Build 57.052 and this has been tested using both netrom
connects and telnet connects between ORH and PDX over ethernet. If a machine
error then it would report all data incorrectly surely ? ( or is it a
software glitch which alters the incoming data ? )

- Regards Colin

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