[Dxspider-support] SH/FDX ?

Frank Johnson frank at lug.demon.co.uk
Fri Jan 9 13:50:22 GMT 2004

Hi All, I just started running the cluster here (GB7NHT) so apologise if 
this is an obvious question but I dont understand what this user is 
asking for.
Any help would be apreciated.

Msg copied below:

Also if you should see how to include SH/FDX into the cluster this would 
be much appreciated.  SH/DX/10 for example brings back a string of the 
last ten stations but SH/FDX/10 brings the station in one at a time and 
the logging program can then check if you have worked them etc.
This facility is on many US Clusters but was not on WDX or PDX.

Regards, Frank, g0gsr (GB7NHT)

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