[Dxspider-support] Numbers Connecting

Klaus Heintzenberg dj6rx at t-online.de
Tue Apr 10 11:33:04 CEST 2007

Any idea how to get rid of these "connects"?
What is going on here?

Today I noticed first time some odd connects by numbers. They get
rejected but keep coming every 10 seconds or so.

set/debug connect shows:

connect 474: %0D
connect 474: %0D
connect 474: Please enter your **Amateur Radio Callsign**%0D
connect 474: %0D
connect 474: 50D
connect 474: login:
connect 474: timeout sett to 60
connect 474: GET /dxs/dx25.html? HTTP/1.1
connect 474: User-Agent: WebCl
connect 474: Host: db0spc.myvnc.com:8000
connect 474: Cache-Control: no-cache

Ten seconds later the whole thing repeats and 474 is replaced by 475
and so on....

Any idea how to fix that?

73, Klaus (DJ6RX)

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