[Dxspider-support] Add IP address tp PC16

Lee Sawkins ve7cc at shaw.ca
Mon Dec 7 20:31:50 GMT 2009

Iain Philipps wrote:
> Lee,
> > Brendan you say having the Mac Address in IPv6 will help to narrow down
> > the abusers.  Then you say tracking users will be more difficult.  This
> > doesn't make sense to me.
> That's because you missed (or misread) the bit which said:-
>     "Carrier grade NAT will make tracking users by IPv4 address very
> difficult to do."
> To me, this makes no sense:-
> > If Spider would include IP addresses with spots, these could also be
> > checked for matching spotter country and IP country and dropped when
> > they don't match.
> There are many (legitimate) reasons why a spotter's country and IP address
> might not provide a match. There are also legitimate reasons why a *cluster*
> country and IP address might not match ....
> Bottom line is that this is not black and white; only very gray. The answer
> is the same now as it always has been: local management of users and the
> issues they create.
> Vy 73 :-)

Yes, I see where I misread the "Carrier grade NAT will make tracking
users by IPv4 address very difficult to do."   NAT has not prevented me
from finding user countries, at least as far as I can see.

All the spots which I drop for non-matching of countries are saved to a
file.  Out of all the spots seen since Friday, I have only seen a couple
of spots that were dropped in error.  There were because spots from TK
show as France and not TK, EA6 and EA8 show as EA, etc  I fix these
glitches as soon as I see them.  Are there other legitimate reasons why
a *cluster* country and IP address might not match?

Local management of users does not stop bad spots from being seen by
your users.  It may make you feel good to not have any bad spots coming
from your node but your users will still see them when they come from
other nodes.  I have workable system of stopping many bad spots before
your users see them.  If you want bad spots from DX Summit, use K1TTT-14
for a source.  If you want many of these dropped, then use OH8X-xx as a
source.  If you want to not take any chances, then don't use either
one.  CC Clusters will check local users IP countries and may drop any
that are determined to not agree with their call's country.

73 Lee

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