[Dxspider-support] Longer call support and VE7CC

Brendan Minish ei6iz.brendan at gmail.com
Thu May 7 23:40:10 BST 2009

I note that VE7CC based clusters now allow calls such as g7cuw/ei
VE1AAAA etc to log in and make spots 

My G7CUW/EI spot displayed on my Dxspider node as coming from G7CUW/E
but the actual protocol log shows that the correct call propagated
across the network 

        $cat data/spots/2009/127.dat |grep G7CUW
Whatever the merits of allowing non standard (I.e not supported by AX25)
calls to log in, surely we should display them correctly IF protocol is
propagating the data correctly to the cluster ?

My route to VE7CC is via other spider nodes so the extended calls are
propagating correctly, just not displaying correctly  

thoughts ? 

Brendan EI6IZ (also G7CUW )
Sysop EI7MRE 

Don‘t complain. Nobody will understand. Or care. And certainly don‘t try
to fix the situation yourself. It‘s dangerous. Leave it to a highly
untrained, unqualified, expendable professional.

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