[Dxspider-support] Raspberry PI

Keith Le Boutillier KeithL at lebs.org.uk
Sat Nov 24 14:13:24 GMT 2012


I could do with some help please

I am new to Linux always running DXspider under windows I now have a Raspberry PI and am trying to setup Dxspider to run under Linux
I am trying to follow the instructions from

I am struck here as I don't understand what is needed to be done here
# ln -s ~sysop/spider /spider
# groupadd spider
# cd /etc
# mc
- navigate to the file /etc/group and add sysop after the group spider (This is the instruction here that I am stuck with what do I need to do here)
- exit mc
# shutdown -r now

As I say I am new to Linux so sorry if it's an easy answer to you Linux gurus
Does anybody had a Raspberry image with Dxspider for download?

73 Keith GU6EFB Sysop GB7DXG-1
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