[Dxspider-support] Increasing size of scrollback buffer in sysop console

Martin Davies G0HDB g0hdb at amdavies.demon.co.uk
Thu Dec 31 15:20:24 GMT 2015

On 30 Dec 2015 at 22:26, djk wrote:

> Please be careful about what you quote in replies as there is a 40KB 
> limit on the list. Any more and I have to approve it :-)

Sorry about that - I'll try to be more careful in future...!

> There is nothing in the diffs that would scare this horse.

I'm glad to hear it... :-)

> I am using the standard putty, I have no idea which version. But the 
> difference probably is the putty config setting that you are using. I 
> would try just using the default values and then maximising the window. 
> This will let putty hopefully do the "right thing" [tm]. The point is 
> that a window on the *nix box has some environment variables set on it 
> to describe the lines and columns of the window. These *should* change 
> (or rather *be* changed) by the thing that is controlling the window (in 
> this case putty). This allows any program running in that window to 
> discover and then track the underlying size changes imposed by the user.
> On mine (putty on WinXP), changing the size of the window seems to be 
> tracked correctly whether I am running console.pl or not. So, if 
> console.pl is running, changing the size of the window will expand and 
> contract the console.pl window. This can be seen by watching the two 
> numbers (lines and cols respectively) to the left of the time on the 
> divider line between the keyboard and the display section. They should 
> correspond to the actual values of the window. If they don't then "it 
> will never work".
> Making sure that the divider line's "shape" remains correct on changing 
> the size of the window would be the next thing to look at.

When I re-size the PuTTY window, by dragging a corner or a side, on my 'radio' PC (running 
32-bit Win 7 Pro), the Lines and Cols numbers on the DXSpider's console divider line both 
seem to track correctly with console.pl running, and when console.pl isn't running the Lines 
and Cols numbers seem to change correctly in the PuTTY config when the window is 

When console.pl is running the divider line's shape doesn't change when the the PuTTY 
window is re-sized.

>From all of the above it would seem that the basic window functionality is working OK...

I've just downloaded the most recent version of PuTTY - v0.66, I was previously using v0.63 - 
and that behaves no differently, I still can't scroll back beyond the first line at the top of the 

I've tried SSH'ing, as sysop, into the GB7DXC-5 Raspberry Pi using a new PuTTY session 
(therefore with default settings) on a different PC that's also running Win7 Pro, and I get 
exactly the same result when I run /spider/local/console.pl - the scrollback doesn't work.

I've just installed PuTTY v0.66 on an old laptop that's running WinXP Pro and then SSH'ing, 
again using default settings for the PuTTY session, as sysop into GB7DXC-5 and yet again I 
can't scroll back...  :-(

I'm beginning to wonder if there's a process that should be, but isn't, running on the 
GB7DXC-5 Raspberry Pi that console.pl and the SSH client need to enable the scrollback to 
work correctly when accessed via SSH.  I built the GB7DXC-5 node on the Raspberry Pi 
(Model B) using the detailed instructions (v1.12) provided by Bill N6WS and there's no 
mention in there about needing to do 'startx' or anything like that; would you expect to have to 
run 'startx' or anything else for the scrollback on the terminal to work correctly?

73, Martin G0HDB

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