[Dxspider-support] Migration to mojo branch

IK5ZUK Luigi ik5zuk at tiscali.it
Fri Feb 14 19:54:37 CET 2020

Hello all,

A few minutes ago I've made the transition for my spider node IK5ZUK-6 
to the mojo branch; I've followed all the instructions reported into the 
"UPGRADE.mojo" text file and - in particular - I've copied all the text 
file related to the node "personalization" (i.e. hop_table.pl, motd, 
motd_nor, issue, offline and logout) to the newly created 
/spider/local_data folder.

The problem is that when a user disconnects from the node by doing the 
"Bye" command, the logout file message is not printed to that user.

Could someone give me some helps or noticed this issue ?

Thank you all for your attention.

73 Luigi IK5ZUK

Luigi - IK5ZUK
Qth: Pisa
Locator: JN53FQ
Mail: ik5zuk at tiscali.it

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