[Dxspider-support] RBN Spot filtering

Dirk Koopman djk at tobit.co.uk
Fri Mar 27 18:53:02 CET 2020

With current software it is possible to stop all RBN like spots from 
nodes that don't have an input filter already like this:-

First do a'sh/filter node_default'. Mine looked like this:

sh/filter node_default
node_default : ann input
  filter1 reject origin ir4rnt-6
node_default : ann
  filter1 accept by g,m,2
node_default : spots input
  filter1 reject by_dxcc 666
node_default : spots
  filter1 reject by_dxcc 666
  filter1 accept on all
node_default : wcy
  filter1 accept all
node_default : wwv input
  filter1 reject by dl7
node_default : wwv
  filter1 accept all

(some of this is probably now irrelevant)

Do this: 'rej/spot node_default input 2 info db info wpm info cq'

This gives you:

sh/filter node_default
node_default : ann input
  filter1 reject origin ir4rnt-6
node_default : ann
  filter1 accept by g,m,2
node_default : spots input
  filter1 reject by_dxcc 666
filter2 reject info db and info wpm and info cq
node_default : spots
  filter1 reject by_dxcc 666
  filter1 accept on all
node_default : wcy
  filter1 accept all
node_default : wwv input
  filter1 reject by dl7
node_default : wwv
  filter1 accept all

The number (in my case 2) will vary depending on how many reject filters 
you have in place. It doesn't matter if you leave gaps, you could use 9, 
if you really want to.

This will filter out any spots that contain 'db'  and 'wpm' and 'cq' 
anywhere in the comment ('info') field (in any order). Obviously this 
can change as circumstances develop (for example leaving the 'info cq' 
out). If you want to see it working (and you enjoy watching paint dry) 
try doing a 'set/debug filter' and then watch the logs 
with:/spider/perl/watchdbg '\d+\s*db\s*\d+\s*wp'

It has to be said that this filter will also clobber any spots with 
these strings anywhere (and in any order) in the comment field whether 
surrounded by spaces or not. So far I haven't seen a problem but issues 
may occur and we can then refine the solution. I am active looking at 
allowing the use of real perl regexes for sysops only. I am also 
exploring the addition of CIDR filtering on IP addresses such that 
logins, spots and announcements can be controlled/filtered. But that 
will entail everyone doing an update, probably adding at least one CPAN 
module, and I am not yet ready for that to happen.

Let's see how we go with this

73 Dirk G1TLH
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