[Dxspider-support] Logpost ?

Dirk Koopman djk at tobit.co.uk
Thu May 7 18:52:56 CEST 2020


That has been there for some years. By default, users are only allowed 
to have up to 3 connections to the cluster.

Basically users need have only one connection to the cluster, but over 
keen users seem to think that if they have lots of connections they will 
have that extra 250mS "edge" to get in there with a SHOUT (never a QRP 
whisper) before anyone else does. It also deals with certain (Belgian) 
aggregators who used to have 100 connections to every node that would 
have them.

If you haven't updated your mojo node today, then you should do so. My 
first attempt to generate a ip -> user -> node map seems to have 
unintended side effects. I have removed it and will be replacing it with 
something independent.


On 07/05/2020 17:34, sm6hoc--- via Dxspider-support wrote:
> Hello !
> What is this (I think it came there after upgrade) ?
> I see it in the Cluster window and in debug file every 10 sec
> ExtMsg connect 786: login:
> connect 786: timeout set to 60
> ExtMsg connect 786: 9K2YM
> connect 786: 9K2YM
> 9K2YM has too many connections (3) at VA2BBS-2,PY3NZ-8,UA4CC,OH2J,K4JW,PA3CRZ-1,MB6WV,VE3CGR-5 - disconnected
> -> D 9K2YM Sorry 9K2YM but you are already connected to 3 other nodes (on VA2BBS-2,PY3NZ-8,UA4CC,OH2J,K4JW,PA3CRZ-1,MB6WV,VE3CGR-5)
> Lars SM6HOC
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