[Dxspider-support] Wrong version after updating

Dirk Koopman djk at tobit.co.uk
Wed Sep 9 12:58:58 CEST 2020

$  git checkout -f mojo
Branch 'mojo' set up to track remote branch 'mojo' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'mojo'

This is the important message.

You probably didn't have to replace .git. But it won't have hurt anything.

> So, what's the correct procedure for updating now?
> as sysop user :
> stopping the cluster with 'sudo  /etc/init.d/dxspider stop'
> git pull
> starting the cluster with 'sudo  /etc/init.d/dxspider start'

That depends on whether you have installed the /spider/dxspider.service 
into /etc/systemd/system and either restarted or done 'systemctl 

On Debian 10 they use systemd which will AFAIK use the the /etc/init.d 
as fall back. But you should have the service installed.

In either case 'systemctl start dxspider' or 'systemctl stop dxspider' 
should do what you want.

Except - it should not be necessary (and definitely isn't if you have 
the service installed), you can do it like this:

git reset --hard
git pull

then in a dxspider console type: shut

and it will automagickally restart the node.

73 Dirk G1TLH

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