[Dxspider-support] Error

Yiannis Panagou sv5fri at gmail.com
Wed May 25 15:12:43 BST 2022

please try to connect sv5fri-1 again
  before execute set/spider sv5fri-1

73 Yiannis, SV5FRI
DxCluster: dxc.sv5fri.eu:7300

------ Original Message ------
From: "Jeff Grantham" <jeff at kb5wck.com>
To: "The DXSpider Support list" <dxspider-support at tobit.co.uk>; "Yiannis 
Panagou" <sv5fri at gmail.com>
Sent: 25/05/2022 5:10:40 μμ
Subject: Re: [Dxspider-support] Error

># -*- perl -*-
># The system variables - those indicated will need to be changed to 
>suit your
># circumstances (and callsign)
># Copyright (c) 1998-2007 - Dirk Koopman G1TLH
>package main;
># this really does need to change for your system!!!!
>$mycall = "KB5WCK-2";
># your name
>$myname = "Jeff Grantham";
># Your 'normal' callsign (in CAPTTAL LETTERS)
>$myalias = "KB5WCK";
># Your latitude (+)ve = North (-)ve = South in degrees and decimal 
>$mylatitude = +30.999876;
># Your Longtitude (+)ve = East, (-)ve = West in degrees and decimal 
>$mylongitude = -89.453385;
># Your locator (USE CAPITAL LETTERS)
>$mylocator = "EM50GX";
># Your QTH (roughly)
>$myqth = "Lumberton, MS";
># Your e-mail address
>$myemail = "jeff\@kb5wck.com";
># Your BBS addr
>#$mybbsaddr = "G1TLH\@GB7TLH.#35.GBR.EU";
># the default language (the key used must match the one in the Messages 
>$lang = 'en';
># the country codes that my node is located in
># for example 'qw(EA EA8 EA9 EA0)' for Spain and all its islands.
># if you leave this blank then it will use the country code for
># your $mycall. This will suit 98% of sysops (including GB7 BTW).
>@my_cc = qw();
># the tcp address of the cluster this can be an address of an ethernet 
># but this is more secure. For normal use this will be fine.
>$clusteraddr = "localhost";
># the port number of the cluster (just leave this, unless it REALLY 
>matters to you)
>$clusterport = 27754;
># your favorite way to say 'Yes'
>$yes = 'Yes';
># your favorite way to say 'No'
>$no = 'No';
># the interval between unsolicited prompts if not traffic
>$user_interval = 11*60;
># data files live in
>$data = "$root/data";
># system files live in
>$system = "$root/sys";
># command files live in
>$cmd = "$root/cmd";
># local command files live in (and overide $cmd)
>$localcmd = "$root/local_cmd";
># where the user data lives
>$userfn = "$data/users";
># the "message of the day" file
>$motd = "$data/motd";
># are we debugging ?
>@debug = qw(chan state msg cron connect);
># are we doing xml?
>$do_xml = 0;
># the SQL database DBI dsn
>#$dsn = "dbi:SQLite:dbname=$root/data/dxspider.db";
>#$dbuser = "";
>#$dbpass = "";
>From: Dxspider-support <dxspider-support-bounces at tobit.co.uk> on behalf 
>of Yiannis Panagou via Dxspider-support <dxspider-support at tobit.co.uk>
>Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 08:54
>To: The DXSpider Support list <dxspider-support at tobit.co.uk>
>Cc: Yiannis Panagou <sv5fri at gmail.com>
>Subject: Re: [Dxspider-support] Error
>Please one more could cou please post us the DXVars.pm configuration 
>73 Yiannis, SV5FRI
>DxCluster: dxc.sv5fri.eu:7300
>------ Original Message ------
>From: "Jan via Dxspider-support" <dxspider-support at tobit.co.uk>
>To: "Jeff Grantham via Dxspider-support" <dxspider-support at tobit.co.uk>
>Cc: "Jan" <cluster at pa4jj.nl>
>Sent: 25/05/2022 4:52:50 μμ
>Subject: Re: [Dxspider-support] Error
>>Did you do set/spider WB2FFV-2  ??
>>Op 25-5-2022 om 15:36 schreef Jeff Grantham via Dxspider-support:
>>>I get the following:
>>>WB3FFV-2 login: Sorry PC17^KB5WCK^KB5WCK-2^H25^ is an invalid 
>>>Any ideas what is going on and how to fix it?  I get this for every 
>>>spider I have setup.
>>>Dxspider-support mailing list
>>>Dxspider-support at tobit.co.ukhttps://mailman.tobit.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/dxspider-support
>>My dxspider clusters running 24/7 on a raspberry pi 2
>>pa4jj-2 telnet port 7300
>>pa4jj-3 telnet port 7388
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