[Dxspider-support] badspotter badwords

Joaquin joaquin at cronux.net
Wed Sep 14 13:50:20 BST 2022

Hi David,

You have two more options:

1. Enable for everyone:

2. If you want I can send you a small script that will automatically 
block any callsign that comes from the TOR network or is using a PROXY.
The script runs the set/bad/spotter command and logs the callsign that 
has been blocked.
It is a help, but it is not the definitive solution.



El 14/09/2022 a las 14:35, David Spoelstra via Dxspider-support escribió:
> Seems like my cluster is being used for propaganda. I've spent the 
> morning running "set/badspotter" and "set/badword" commands. Is there 
> anything else I should be doing?

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