[Dxspider-support] M$ Window support

Dirk Koopman djk at tobit.co.uk
Wed Feb 15 07:17:32 GMT 2023

I believe that I have fixed most of the problems reported on the 'mojo' 
branch whilst running on Windows. Those users that are on this platform 
should upgrade. Linux/BSD/unix users don't need to update.

There remains one intractable problem on Windows which is present on all 
perl distributions (apart, possibly, from ActiveState) which is the 
inability of perl programs to spawn other processes. So, until some 
solution is found, 'mojo' DXSpider instances running on Windows are 
limited to running all commands, that on Linux/BSD/unix start 
subprocesses, will run 'inline' in the same way as the 'master' branch 
does on all platforms.

I'm given to understand that badip does not work (properly?) on Windows. 
If someone can give me more information about this I would be grateful. 
If someone is running a node using ActiveState perl on Windows, please 
get in touch so I can coordinate some testing.

73 Dirk G1TLH
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