[Dxspider-support] HB9DRV-9, what is it?

Mikel EA2CW ea2cw at gautxori.com
Tue Mar 14 20:18:20 GMT 2023

Could it be someone using a HB9 callsign on his node to redirect traffic 
to another one in order to prepare further attacks?
I've just made stat/node HB9DRV-9 at the console. and it appears to be 
active. And that swiss callsign node also is on your last list of 
unpublished nodes...

73, Mikel

El 14/03/2023 a las 19:24, Kin via Dxspider-support escribió:
> Hi,
> Can someone explain to me what is happening with the HB9DRV-9 node? Because
> it's a node, isn't it?
> 068.dat:1678389001^(chan) <- I EA3CV-3
> PC92^IZ0FKE-6^69000^A^^5HB9DRV-9:^H92^
> 068.dat:1678389001^(chan) <- I EA3CV-3
> PC92^IZ0FKE-6^69000.02^A^^7HB9DRV-9:^H91^
> 068.dat:1678389006^(chan) <- I EA3CV-3

ea2cw at gautxori.com
Bilbao, Bizkaia. IN83MG

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