[Dxspider-support] HamClock show/heading update

Keith Maton g6nhu at me.com
Wed Jan 17 08:24:19 GMT 2024

As previously mentioned, I’ve been in regular contact with the author of HamClock and following feedback, I am beta testing a version of HamClock which no longer uses the show/heading command for locating stations and plotting them on the map.  It now does all the calculations locally.

When a HamClock initially connects to a node, it sends the following:

1705478550^(DXCommand) G6NHU-10 connected from cols 80
1705478550^(progress) CMD: 'set/qra JO01ou' by G6NHU-10 ip: 1mS
1705478550^(progress) CMD: 'set/location 51 50 N 1 13 E' by G6NHU-10 ip: 1mS
1705478550^(progress) CMD: 'unset/here ' by G6NHU-10 ip: 0mS

And that’s it.  The only other interaction it will have with the node is that if there is no traffic passed in a ten minute period, it does this:

1705466270^(progress) CMD: 'ping ' by G6NHU-10 ip: 0mS

Once this has gone through testing and rolls out, it will rely on the HamClock owners to update their software.  Elwood feels that the half-life for HamClock updates is a couple of months so it will take a while for the changes to pickle through but we should start seeing a decrease in show/heading commands straight away and that decrease will continue as more people update.

Hopefully this will satisfy everyone.

73 Keith G6NHU

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