[Dxspider-support] set/announce

Mike McCarthy, W1NR lists at w1nr.net
Thu Mar 14 12:48:40 GMT 2024

There are two things you need to do. Go to /spider/msg and see if a file 
called forward.pl exists. You may need to copy forward.pl.issue to 
forward.pl. Edit the file and enter the callsigns of your connected 
partner nodes, NOT your own node call. I attached my w1nr-9 node file as 
an example. Then do load/forward on your console.

When sending announce messages the command ANNOUNCE only goes to your 
local node. ANNOUNCE/FULL is propagated.

On 3/14/2024 7:25 AM, Faizul via Dxspider-support wrote:
> set/announce already set, but i cant send any announcement from my node 
> 9m2pju.hamradio.my <http://9m2pju.hamradio.my>. nothing showed to any 
> web dx cluster announcement list.

73 de Mike, W1NR

THAT was the equation. EXISTENCE!... SURVIVAL... must cancel out... 

- Ruk -
-------------- next part --------------
# this is an example message forwarding file for the system
# The format of each line is as follows
#     type    to/from/at pattern action  destinations
#     P/B/F     T/F/A     regex   I/F    [ call [, call ...] ]
# type: P - private, B - bulletin (msg), F - file (ak1a bull)
# to/from/at: T - to field, F - from field, A - home bbs, O - origin 
# pattern: a perl regex on the field requested
# action: I - ignore, F - forward
# destinations: a reference to an array containing node callsigns
# if it is non-private and isn't in here then it won't get forwarded 
# Currently only type B msgs are affected by this code.
# The list is read from the top down, the first pattern that matches
# causes the action to be taken.
# The pattern can be undef or 0 in which case it will always be selected
# for the action specified
# If the BBS list is undef or 0 and the action is 'F' (and it matches the
# pattern) then it will always be forwarded to every node that doesn't have 
# it (I strongly recommend you don't use this unless you REALLY mean it, if
# you allow a new link with this on EVERY bull will be forwarded immediately
# on first connection)

package DXMsg;

@forward = (
'B', 	'T',	'LOCAL',	'F',	[  qw( W1NR  NN1D )  ],
'B', 	'T',	'ALL',		'F',	[  qw( W1NR  NN1D )  ],
'B', 	'T',	'FORSALE',	'F',	[  qw( W1NR  NN1D )  ],
'B', 	'T',	'FORSWAP',	'F',	[  qw( W1NR  NN1D )  ],
'B', 	'T',	'WANTED',	'F',	[  qw( W1NR  NN1D )  ],
'B', 	'T',	'HELP',		'F',	[  qw( W1NR  NN1D )  ],
'B', 	'T',	'QSL',		'F',	[  qw( W1NR  NN1D )  ],
'B', 	'T',	'QSLINFO',	'F',	[  qw( W1NR  NN1D )  ],
'B', 	'T',	'BULLETIN',	'F',	[  qw( W1NR  NN1D )  ],
'B', 	'T',	'US',		'F',	[  qw( W1NR  NN1D )  ],
'B', 	'T',	'YCCC',		'F',	[  qw( W1NR  NN1D )  ],
'B', 	'T',	'DX',		'F',	[  qw( W1NR  NN1D )  ],
'B', 	'T',	'DXNEWS',	'F',	[  qw( W1NR  NN1D )  ],

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