[Dxspider-support] Connect script problem

Cees Tool c.tool at quicknet.nl
Sun Aug 19 17:31:28 BST 2001


Your script is :

> timeout 60
> abort (Busy|Sorry|Fail)
> connect ax25 /usr/sbin/netrom_call net gb7orh gb7cn
> 'connect' 'c 3 #dray'
here the problem starts

> 'connect' 'c gb7wdx'
maybe also a problem

> what node gb7cn sends me and the difference between that and what the
> file is looking for.

As one of the nodes is replying : Connecting to ....... to indicate that a
link is going to be made, but your script thinks that it already
"connected". (because the sequence "connect" is inside the word "connecting"
you received) So the next connect command is sent before the actual
connection is there. Then the next node receives a wrong connect command.
Better change your connect script with 'connected'  or 'connected to'
instead of  'connect'

Cees - PA3AES

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