[Dxspider-support] File forwarding and other questions

Dirk Koopman djk at tobit.co.uk
Mon Nov 19 12:20:52 GMT 2001

On Sun, 2001-11-18 at 23:16, John Clayton wrote:
> However, it means that users on "the other side" of a limited protocol
> connection from the sender will not receive the message as the
> originating node may never see them logged on.

There are very few "active" limited protocol connections in the DXSpider
connected network. It isn't a concept that applies, very much, anymore.
Furthermore, with internet connectivity becoming the norm, rather than
the exception, I believe "limited-protocol" will largely go away. 

That is not say that I regard the current mail characteristics as ideal
(or even "alright", never mind "good") and I will be addressing that at
some point in the future when I have good the basics of NP off the

There are a whole host of problems with mail, files etc that need to be
addressed - most of these are linked to the totally inadequate protocol
currently in use. 

I will get around to it (or is that a round tuit?). 
> It also means that mail to a "pseudo" address (ie an addressee that is
> set up for a specific purpose and does not actually log on) does not get
> delivered. we had such an address in the UK network which has worked
> fine for years. It is DX1QSL, set up so that users can send a message
> addressed to it requesting QSL information. The message would be
> forwarded to GB7DXC and then processed on GB7DXC and any info pertaining
> to the message would be automatically returned to the user in a mail
> message.  This system has now ceased to work.  No on was informed that
> the system was being altered - we had to wait for users to complain that
> they were not getting answers to their messages.

If you connected your 'pseudo' address to your cluster as a user or
otherwise caused a PC16 for that address to be emitted then you would
get your mail.

This doesn't seem to me to be very hard, nor is it IMHO much of an


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