[Dxspider-support] Can't get Telnet login work DXSpider 1.5

Rob Snieder pa5et at muurkrant.com
Mon Dec 16 19:20:04 GMT 2002

Hello all, yesterday Peter PB0AIU helped me migrating from CLX to
DXSpider 1.5 because the CLX system crashed and had an unrecoverable
Postgres database problem, we couldn't get the database working anymore
and decided to make the move to DXSpider software. I'm happily surprised
about the nice software and clear instruction manuals, something I
always missed with CLX. As every newcomer there will always be starting
up problems like the following:
Just to give you a description of the setup here, I have a serial
connection to another PC with a SCC card and node software connected to
23cm interlink, that part is working Netrom+AX25, users can access the
cluster. I can login via the CLIENT software and also via telnet port 23
and run CLIENT from there, DXSpider can connect to the Internet (now
link with PI4CC-6) but whatever port I configure for incoming telnet
connections it fails. In the past it used to work with CLX port 41112.
I added port 27754 to the SERVICES table, I copied the Listeners.pm
program to the /spider/local directory as described in the manual with
IP nr without # and edited the DXVars.pm program with
$clusteraddr= "localhost" and $clusterport = 27754
What have I forgotten ???
Rob Snieder  <mailto:pa5et at muurkrant.com> pa5et at muurkrant.com
Sysop PacketCLuster PI8DXC
Cocos Island DX-pedition 2002  <http://www.qsl.net/ti9m>
LLDXT  <http://www.qsl.net/lldxt> http://www.qsl.net/lldxt
PI4COM  <http://www.muurkrant.com/pi4com>
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