[Dxspider-support] "Exporting ?" usr_asc.*

Colin Harris chedward at tiscali.co.uk
Sun Jun 8 08:27:28 BST 2003

Hi all,
           My main node 24/7 is gb7pdx. This also resides on
my Lan along with gb7pdx-1 and gb7orh which are "Play" boxes
and spares which are infrequently connected into the overall
cluster network.

If I isolate gb7pdx from the outside world , is there a
"simple" way to export usr_asc from gb7pdx to the other two
nodes over my Lan as I would like to update both fully with
the latest gb7pdx usr_asc version.

 There's no problem with transferring large files at 10 Mb/s
. ( I *could* ftp the file to each machine but would rather
do a true export or broadcast if possible ).

- Regards Colin

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