[Dxspider-support] unset/dxgrid ?

Noel Chenavard nc at lem.com
Mon Jun 21 08:55:43 BST 2004

I am configuring a dxspider cluster v1.51 under RH9 and it works fine.
But I still have some little problems:

The first one is a compatibilty issue:
Or contest software, Win-Test,  seems to ignore spots sent by dxspider
because of the trailing locator square at the end of the line.

Of course, I can ask users to unset/dxgrid as a personnal option,
but switching off on the server would be better for us.

I checked the documentation, but could not find any way to unset the dxgrid
trailer for all spots.
Any solutions?

noel f6bgc

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