[Dxspider-support] Feature Request

Lee Sawkins ve7cc at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 23 20:13:33 GMT 2005

There has been lots of abuse of the Dx Spider clusters recently.  Bogus spots from calls such as G0NVD, EI2IU, DL5AA, DL5AB have been posted.  In order to track down the pirate(s) using these calls, it would be nice to have IP addresses of users readily available to anyone who wants them.
  If a user enters the command "who", he will be given the IP addresses for currently connected users.  If however the user connects to the node after the pirate has left, he cannot easily find out what IP address the pirate was using.   It would be nice if the command "sh/log G0NVD" would give the log data for old connections of G0NVD to the cluster.  Then using a WHOIS search, the ISP for the pirate can be found and an official complaint to them can be made.  http://www.whois.sc seems to be a good site to use.
  I have made a complaint to the ISP pandora.be about some postings recently.  These were for IP addresses and which were by a pirate using the call G0NVD and which originated at pandora.be.  It was difficult to find these IPs. It could be made much easier.
  Lee VE7CC

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