[Dxspider-support] Connection Script

Brian n1uro at n1uro.com
Sun Dec 25 20:40:20 GMT 2005

> hideout 6000
> abort (Busy|Sorry|Fail)
> connect agw 1  K2PUT   ( connect here first )
>  ( Have a timer or a wait for a word or sumting hear )
>  ( then send the next line )
> 'Connect'  ' C wb2zii-14 '

Can you try: connect agw 1 wb2zii-14 k2put

********************** 73 de Brian N1URO **********************

Spam {n}: an entity using smtp via internet to force
          humans to revert back to paper, pencil, and postage 
          for mail communications.

PGP key at http://ww2.n1uro.com/n1uro.asc

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