[Dxspider-support] DXspider and WinSock

Iulian Petheu iulianp at msn.com
Mon Jun 29 18:45:17 CEST 2020

Only to add that for "max connections in a Windows environment testing" I used TeraTerm which has got a vy good feature of duplicating a connection with one Alt+keystroke. The method is obviously a bit mundane, no scripts etc are involved, but it works pretty fast, no need for research! etc,  you can have 100 telnet login attempts in 30 seconds (within the 60s default telnet timeout). Now, I am not sure whether login attempts qualify for connections. If they do (revision to one of my yday statements), DXspider in Windows behaved quite well (being hit with lots of login attempts in a vy short period of time). I did add callsgin+ssid for every connection to make the test a bit more plausible, so it took me few minutes in total to reach the max, 63. Probably the 64th one was the internal DXspider connection. I initiated telnet sessions from two PCs (the dxspider pc + another pc). Max SSID is 99, so if you want to test for more connections (that is, for a Linux install), you'll need another callsign+ssid (unless you use bogus callsigns, of course - not sure whether that's a good idea in a live environment). 
I have read Perl7 came out few days ago. Hopefully that will sort out the problem? 
Regards, 73 de J,  MØIPU  YOЗFCA

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