[Dxspider-support] My IP bloqued badip_global file WHY?

Dirk Koopman djk at tobit.co.uk
Sat Apr 1 21:28:04 BST 2023


I am sorry you were inconvenienced, it is possible I got the wrong end 
of the stick and I thought I was being explicitly asked to deny this IP. 
Various sysops have, apparently, made you a badspotter as well. Your ip 
address will be out of the badip list in the next cycle after 15mins 
past the hour.

IANADxer so, as the central point for more (and soon more) centralised 
information to be distributed to other nodes, I have no real opinion on 
what is good or bad spotting etiquette. I simply do what I am asked.

What I *would* observe, however, is that there is a great deal of 
complaining about clearly automated FTx spots on the (as these people 
would see it) analogue spotting "channel". Amongst the arguments they 
have are: "they are filling up the (ed: spotting) channel", "using spots 
as an automated log", "it's self spotting", "there are too many of these 
things", "FTx users can use their RBN (ed: other services are 
available)", "we don't understand them", "meaningless to us" etc etc etc.

And this is just a small set of the complaints I see on other forums. I 
think the argument that has most merit is that no other mode routinely 
"auto spots" and worse, it has come to many FTx spotters attention that 
nodes (not *just* DXSpider) are filtering them out and regular FTx 
spotters are now actively (and deliberately) changing their info texts 
to *get around* the filters.

This sort of thing has happened in the past, for example ROS, which used 
the same auto spotting idea as whichever program is doing this. There 
was, to be fair, a lot more of it. But I had words and asked them to use 
a DXSpider chat channel (not surprisingly called 'ROS') which is 
broadcast to all nodes, but is only seen by those users that chose to 
subscribe to that channel (join/leave ros). It is still active today 
(sh/chat ros) and goes on in the background, not causing anyone a problem.

While I am on about chat channels: all DXSpider nodes are automatically 
subscribed to chat channel: #9000 and a 'chat #9000 Don't Panic!" will 
go  out to all logged in sysops (IIRC by email as well, but I'll have to 
check on Monday). This has fallen into disuse but, in these sometimes 
difficult times, this mechanism could be a useful way to communicate 
immediate issues requiring action.

Dirk G1TLH

On 01/04/2023 13:25, CX2SA - Jose Ma Gonzalez wrote:
> Hello Dirk.
> In the badip_global file of today appears
> This is my IP and it correspond to a secondary server backup: s2.cx2sa.net
> I have from to
> CX2SA-6 DXSpider is my test node and have this IP.
> Why?
> Because I send spots of my QSO’s in FT8?
> FT8 is a valid mode and DXSpider has other mechanism for block and 
> spotter.
> Please remove this list.
> Many thanks, Jose
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