[Dxspider-support] Notification of Users and Assignment of Passwords

Kin ea3cv at cronux.net
Sat Feb 18 06:02:43 GMT 2023


When I decided that I was going to activate the registration, I prepared the list of users -without SSID- and created a message for each one with a script, informing them of the change and the data needed for the registration: callsign, name, email.
Since each message was a file, I copied it to /cmd_import, and an SP was sent to each user.
In parallel, for the users who had their email, with the office mailing tools, I did the same.


-----Mensaje original-----
De: Dxspider-support <dxspider-support-bounces at tobit.co.uk> En nombre de Bill Shell - N6WS via Dxspider-support
Enviado el: sábado, 18 de febrero de 2023 2:30
Para: dxspider-support at tobit.co.uk
CC: Bill Shell - N6WS <n6ws at n6ws.com>
Asunto: [Dxspider-support] Notification of Users and Assignment of Passwords

Hello All,

Has anyone come up with a way of automating the user notification and sending out of passwords to each user?  I have 420 users, and used a password generator to assign unique passwords to each callsign-SSID.  I have narrowed the list to 315 by eliminating users that have not logged in this year, but that is a pretty daunting task to send out all those emails.  Does anyone know of a way of automating that process?

73, Bill

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