[Dxspider-support] Secure node to node connection proposal

Mikel EA2CW ea2cw at gautxori.com
Sun Feb 26 11:09:28 GMT 2023

Thank you for your answer, Matthew

 > How do you do SSH over packet radio as that's still a real use case 
for the packet cluster?
All we know that there is already a big hole on the system integrity, 
every can transmit with a fake callsign and both "humans" and skimmers 
will spot him wrong.  It seems that this is inherently unavoidable. We 
will never be able to give 100% security, we can only try to raise the 
skills needed to have success.

> I think this proposal is throwing the baby out with the bath water and 
> will kill all but a handful of nodes as there won't be hardly any 
> logging programmers willing to rewrite their software to support SSH 
> so a lot of users will just go somewhere else. Telnet is somewhat easy 
> as it's just a TCP connection, but to have to involve keeping up with 
> OpenSSL or similar and not all programming environments natively 
> support SSH either.
XDDDDDDD Never listened before that about babies!. Well as it has 
already been said, a lot of logger and contest softwares use different 
protocols to connect to several information sources or auto uploading 
logs (i.e. to QRZ.COM, LoTW, etc.) Why cannot be the same with cluster?
Almost all that software runs on Linux or Windows, and both have native 
ssh support. In any case, they can keep on connecting and downloading 
info from the dx-cluster net.

73, Mikel

ea2cw at gautxori.com
Bilbao, Bizkaia. IN83MG

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