[Dxspider-support] Self spotting

jarmo oh1mrr at nic.fi
Sat Mar 11 15:41:46 GMT 2023

I don't see any difficulties sefspotting, like "PO0R/qrp", station could
get some qsos more.
What I see quite HMM! Building cluster network by terms of contesters.
Is it so, that now a days contesters can't find stations by rolling VFO,
need to be digital "nanny" beside :D?
This 30 years, been "kind" of sysop, seen this network used with or
without contest rules. Now rbn ,skimmer all help methods...
Could it be possible, that for contesters, someone build up server,
where they ALL could connect and see each, no quessing, no QRM
to DXCLUSTER, that could me named CONTEST CLUSTER :D And
not connected to this, what we have...

Sorry, if you see me as contest negative, but ONE, only ONE, was
maybe CQWW or some these big ones, I was doing "normal" cq,
came station, didn't care identify himself" told me, " move f''ing else
now it's contest time!" Station was surely legal limit power passed
by 3Kw... Yeah..

So building this clusternetwork by terms and rules of contesters.
I say Strict NAY.
Ordinary selfspotting, there is nothing wrong...

Jarmo, oh1mrr

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