[Dxspider-support] About data

Kelly Leavitt kelly at catcorner.org
Tue Mar 21 23:39:25 GMT 2023

Let me make this as simple as possible. If I have to require passwords, then I'm shutting it down.

I have already set it to require registration in order to post. Shouldn't that be enough?

I do this to provide a service, at my expense, for my local club. Not as a career.

When it's down to you and Dirk running the nodes it'll all be the way you want it.
From: Kin EA3CV <ea3cv at cronux.net>
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 4:45 PM
To: The DXSpider Support list <dxspider-support at tobit.co.uk>
Cc: Kelly Leavitt <kelly at catcorner.org>
Subject: Re: [Dxspider-support] About data

Yes, there are programs that have not implemented the password functionality, but that can change if the users request it, except for very old programs.

No, the user receives the first password given by the sysop, and can change it if necessary. As with any Bank, e.g.

As I mentioned in my previous answer, very, very few are interested in sending information, so doing a little search on qrz.com, to give an example, shouldn't be too traumatic.

If the sysops do not manage the nodes, why so much work on the part of the developers? . Do we want a useful network or do we settle for anything? We think it's ok that there is garbage, usurpations, attacks,... or do we try to solve it?


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