[Dxspider-support] About data

Iain Philipps iain.philipps at 77hz.net
Wed Mar 22 05:14:30 GMT 2023

Joe (and others …)

Firstly, here are my credentials: I have been a DX Spider user since before DX Spider existed.


There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding around here regarding who has authority and control of what.

We do NOT have the equivalent of a Home Owners Association where a group of folk have the ability to unilaterally impose rules, regulations and sanctions on the community members, so nobody has the authority to be telling you that they have (or that there exists) a mandate. Of course, people are allowed to express their wishes and opinions, but that’s as far as it goes.

The only specific powers conferred on anyone here are whether they decide to peer with anyone else in the community, or whether they themselves remain within the community at all. Dirk himself – as Architect Emeritus – surely has the ultimate authority to dictate how his software is user, so until *HE* directs you to do something different, everything to see here is either (at best) advisory or musings of someone with no power :)

>From my personal perspective, I do not believe – in this day and age, with the (small) number of network vandals that are out there – we should be allowing unregistered users to inject data in to the network. You clearly support that belief, so we’re on the same page. Do I think we should band together as a community to declare that “since he’s using a version of software that’s older than my oldest child, so let’s isolate him”? Of course not. But by the same token everyone ought to be afforded the freedom to decide to restrict (filter) the traffic from such nodes *AT THEIR OWN NODE*.  


What we *DO* need are tools to restrict the ability of the vandals; user registration and the centralized “bad IP” list currently meet my personal needs for a peaceful life, but I keep it all under review and advisement. Again: advisement :)

73 de WR3D

From: Dxspider-support <dxspider-support-bounces at tobit.co.uk> On Behalf Of JOSEPH REED via Dxspider-support
Sent: 22 March 2023 02:33
To: The DXSpider Support list <dxspider-support at tobit.co.uk>
Cc: JOSEPH REED <joe at n9jr.com>
Subject: Re: [Dxspider-support] About data


You are exactly in the same place I am.  I have required registration for years.  The ridiculous suggestion that nodes encrypt communications seems to have died out.  And isolation of nodes that weren’t current is behavior beyond the pale.  I’ve been running my node for more than a quarter century, I don’t remember who said it, but the current path is the path to decrease the cluster.


I’m not wiling to use a script that has not been regression tested to update my node.  I prefer to back it up and and manually update it. So much safer.  If I’m a version or two behind, well big deal.  But I’m not experiencing bleeding edge unhappiness 


I hope it gets better than worse.  But I am about to kill the DNS entries.


Joe N9JR



On Mar 21, 2023, at 6:39 PM, Kelly Leavitt via Dxspider-support <dxspider-support at tobit.co.uk <mailto:dxspider-support at tobit.co.uk> > wrote:


Let me make this as simple as possible. If I have to require passwords, then I'm shutting it down. 


I have already set it to require registration in order to post. Shouldn't that be enough?


I do this to provide a service, at my expense, for my local club. Not as a career.


When it's down to you and Dirk running the nodes it'll all be the way you want it.


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