[Dxspider-support] CW Skimmer spots - Can the WPM be shown?

Keith Maton g6nhu at me.com
Fri Mar 24 11:30:26 GMT 2023

I realised after I’d sent the email that I wasn’t clear in my statement.

The part that broke a while ago was Skookum actually logging onto a Spider node, that was an issue with the Skookum side and has been fixed now.

In Bill’s exact words:

" I did manage to get it working, then examined spot filtering and skimmer spot reporting, which are entirely unlike what SkookumLogger expects. When I realized that DX Spider doesn't deliver WPM at all for CW skimmer spots -- important information -- I abandoned the project”

Then in a later message:

"I would have to add code to adapt to the DX Spider syntax for filtering. The showstopper for me is that DX Spider discards the WPM info provided with skimmer spots.”

> On 24 Mar 2023, at 11:04, Dirk Koopman via Dxspider-support <dxspider-support at tobit.co.uk> wrote:
> On 24/03/2023 08:07, Keith Maton via Dxspider-support wrote:
>> Hi Dirk,
>> I use Skookumlogger on the Mac and asked Bill if he could fix the DXSpider support (it broke some time ago).  He’s done that but he’s loathe to add full spider support because "The showstopper for me is that DX Spider discards the WPM info provided with skimmer spots.”
> "It broke for me some time ago" and "discards the WPM info".  From my point of view, I am confused. He is correct in that it discards the WPM info - this is because I asked around (a bit) and was told it isn't hugely important. I was and am strapped for space in the nominally 80 column line to put the wpm in somewhere and, if I do: what other software will that now break?
> But your first statement begs the question: did it ever work? Because I have not changed the format since inception of the RBN interface.
> Why is the WPM info useful? One can't use it as an indicator of SNR, because there is no standard WPM to compare it against.
>> Is there any way you can parse that info please so it gets sent to the user?
> The problem is: where do I put it? The only way I would consider doing it is if the WPM figure is an optional extra which would be enabled if a 'set/width 90' (or greater width) command was sent (once) on startup of the connection and a 'set/rbnwpm' command is also sent as well.
> I am still in firefighting mode at the moment, so it will have to wait until I have put all that to bed before I look at this. There are some other tweaks that the FTx side of the interface needs as well.
>> Thanks,
>> 73 Keith G6NHU
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