[Dxspider-support] RE SH/SAT

A.J. Cioffi registered at hvc.rr.com
Sun Jun 6 21:31:16 BST 2004



So far things are looking fine.  I did download WGET and tested that on the
system, initially  just downloading the nasa.all file.  That worked
flawless.  Then I automated the conversion process ("perl converkep.pl
nasa.all") which did not yield any errors.  Ultimately I created a batch
file to do both functions which is controlled by the scheduled tasks on the
Win2000 OS.  Then finally utilizing the crontab to issue a "load/keps"
afterwards.  All looks OK.  We'll see how things turn out over the next week
or so to see if the files actually update.  Even though I am not getting any
errors, as before, files did not update.  Hopefully the gremlins have been
eradicated.  One other question; the file keps.pm that gets updated is
residing (in my system) in spider\local\.  Is this correct?  It seems
correct because when the file gets updated it has the new date and time
stamp indicating when it was modified.  The reason I ask is because I also
had a keps.pm located in spider\perl which never got updated.  I
subsequently have deleted it from that path.  Thank you, and all the others
for helping out.  I'll keep the list posted for status report.


Tony - N2KI



RF Gateway 145.650

Website: www.n2ki.com

DX Spoken Here


-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Le Boutillier [mailto:keith at cwgsy.net] 
Sent: Sunday, 06 June, 2004 13:45
To: n2ki at amsat.org
Subject: RE: [Dxspider-support] RE SH/SAT


Hi Tony


Please it worked at least we know where the problem was.

I download my keps from the amsat web site at www.amsat.org
<http://www.amsat.org/>  and just save them as a text file then do the
normal convkeps etc 



73 Keith GU6EFB MU3EFB

Sysop GB7DXG Dxcluster Telnet Access gb7dxg.shacknet.nu Port 7300
Web Site http://gb7dxg.shacknet.nu
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Web Site http://gu6efb.shacknet.nu
E-Mail gu6efb at cwgsy.net


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