[Dxspider-support] user_default script

rin JG1VGX jg1vgx at jarl.com
Mon Jul 13 20:05:23 CEST 2020


I have a modest request.

Perhaps after the "sh/dx" rewrite, "sh/dx" part in user_default script
as in the example "user_default.issue" won't work like before.

The default "user_default.issue" script results in sh/dx spots shown
AFTER every initial login messages.

I have noticed the subtle difference that, before the rewrite (or in
1.55), there will be a user prompt shown immediately after each sh/dx
request is returned, but not so in the current versions.

I have tried inserting something like "echo" or "blank" in the script
hoping to flush out the buffer without success. I even looked at the
code (DTTAH ;) and suspected if the array @out is something to do with
this, but couldn't figure out how to make my own fix and stopped
there, wisely ;)

If only a quick fix is needed I would very much appreciate it, but if
another big rewrite is needed it's ok to leave it for now.

My new RBN mojo version was very stable over the last weekend and
surprisingly low resource was used. Thank you so much!!
73 rin JG1VGX

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