[Dxspider-support] DX Monitor v1.90 and DX Spider 1.57 363 problem.

Julian M-0-IPU dxspider at gmx.co.uk
Tue Dec 7 15:48:52 GMT 2021


Node MoIPU-4
Console MoIPU (no SSID)

DXmonitor MoIPU-SSID


Hi. I was trying to use/connect DXmonitor with/to my new Spider node
installed on a Pi3. I normally have a console On all the time logged in as
MoIPU (admin) on the same Pi3, DX and Skimmer Off.
Now, when firing up DXmonitor with telnet enabled, MoIPU-SSID (SSID other
than 0), and when enabling DX and Skimmer on that SSID, my MoIPU admin
console on Pi3 also starts showing DX and Skimmer spots. Strange. DXmonitor
also gets disconnected at some point; however, it remains connected on the
Spider. Even stranger. I didn't have this prbl before, when I was using Win
Spider v1.55 215.

Regards, Julian MoIPU YO-3-FCA

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