[Dxspider-support] Request for help from sysops

Kin ea3cv at cronux.net
Tue Feb 14 10:19:47 GMT 2023

Hi all,


I have a list of nodes that I don't have their email, it is wrong or they
just don't answer or haven't read it.

Below is a column with the nodes I need to contact, and their partners or
neighbours according to today's dxspider routing information.


I ask for your cooperation once again for the sysops involved in the list to
try to contact their neighbour. If there is no connection, I would
appreciate it if you could isolate the node.

The procedure is as follows:


1. discon <node>

2. set/isolate <node>


If your node reboots frequently, put this command pair in your
/spider/scripts/startup file.


It is possible that most of them will answer, but currently there are a few
isolated nodes and they are not responding, so presumably they are not
maintained, the sysop is missing or SK.



9M2PJU-1    -->   PI4CC  WB3FFV-2

AI3I-15     -->   WB3FFV-2

DD5XX-10    -->   DJ4PK-2  DQ8Z  GB7DJK  GB7MBC  I3ITX-6  JG1VGX-9  SV5FRI-1

DG2KBC-1    -->   EA6VQ-1  GB7RAU

EW8AX-1     -->   IK4ICZ-6  WA9PIE-2

F5MZN-3     -->   F5LEN-7  GB7UJS

F8KHI-3     -->   CX2SA-8  F4ERG-3  VE3CGR-5

GB7BEX-9    -->   PE1RRR-9

HA6DX       -->   IK5PWJ-6  ON0LLV-5  SR4DXC  WA9PIE-2

I0INU-6     -->   IK6IHL-6  IK8HJC-6

IK2DUW-6    -->   IQ2LB-6  IW1QLH-6

IZ0AWG-6    -->   JG1VGX-9  N9JR-2  NL7S

IZ6RND-6    -->   EA4RCH-5

IZ8DMZ-6    -->   IV3SCP-6

K0PIR-2     -->   ON0NOL-9  WB3FFV-2

K4JW        -->   N4DW-9  N4VFF-2  N8NM

K8QIK-3     -->   KB8UVN-2

KB8UVN-2    -->   K8QIK-3  PE1RRR-9

KY9J-2      -->   GB7UJS  VE2PKT-9  VK5GR-2  WR3D

MX0ONL      -->   ON0AN

NP3N        -->   VE2REA  W1DX  W1NR

NR0Q-2      -->   G6NHU-2

NR1X-3      -->   WB3FFV-2

OK0DXI      -->   DB0ERF-5  SR4DXC

ON0AN       -->   F4BWT-3  MX0ONL  ON0NOL-9  ON3URE-2  PI4CC

PA1RBZ      -->   IW5ECF-6  KC9AOP-1  WT3Q

PA2SQ-1     -->   PI1LAP-1

PD0SIM-2    -->   PI4CC

PE1NWL-5    -->   GB7RAU  PI4CC

SM4UZM-1    -->   SM4ONW-14

SM6HOC-2    -->   DL8FCL-7  PA4JJ-3  SM6HOC-14  SM6HOC-6

SM6HOC-6    -->   N2WLS-5  NA7KR-3  PY1NB-4  SM4ONW-14  SM6EAT-6  SM6HOC-2

SR2PUT      -->   CU3HY-2  EA4RCH-5  GB7VAX  RW3XA-8  S50DXS  SR4DXC

SV5BYR-7    -->   RW3XA-8

UA4CC       -->   IK5PWJ-6  R5ACQ-1

VA2BBS-2    -->   ZL2ARN-10

VE3MIS-2    -->   VA3MW-7

VK3HRA-2    -->   VK2AZ-2

VK6ZO-2     -->   PI4CC  VK2AZ-2

W6RFU       -->   N6WS-6

W6RGG-2     -->   K2LS

WT3Q        -->   PA1RBZ  WB3FFV-2

YO2LOJ-2    -->   PI4CC



Together we can keep the network up to date, and we will all win.






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